One of the most shocking deaths on NCIS could have easily been prevented

One of the most shocking deaths on NCIS could have

The series giant Navy CIS aka NCIS is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the Hollywood Reporter has published a major feature that goes through the entire story History of germination success leads. In this process, many exciting stories from the filming come to light.

One thing that NCIS fans have been wondering for a long time is the reason for the sudden death of Agent Caitlin Todd, who was initially established as one of the show’s central characters, but only lasted for two seasons. The reason is simple: actress Sasha Alexander found the workload too great.

Sasha Alexander’s NCIS exit after just two seasons: That’s why Agent Caitlin Todd had to die

Speaking to the Hollywood Reporter, NCIS producer Charles Floyd Johnson remembers Alexander’s exit.

In the second year Sasha went [Alexander] to [Serienschöpfer] Don [McGill] and said: ‘I love this series, but I just can’t work that hard.’ We had really long days back then. I don’t think she wanted to leave the show – she just wanted a lighter workload.


Sasha Alexander as Agent Caitlin Todd in NCIS

The creative team decided to create Alexander’s character with a shocking death from the series, which caused a huge stir at the time. Nobody expected this twist. The filming took place under strict security precautions so that the character’s death would not become public knowledge in advance.

Shocking NCIS Death: Agent Caitlin Todd’s fate was kept secret until the last second

There was only one script page from the scene. It had to be read personally by the actors and then returned to the production management. The shoot itself just took place with a minimal crew instead of. A majority of the people on set were sent home early to prevent potential leaks.

Mark Horowitz, also a producer on the series, reveals:

We even have an alternative ending was filmed. Even my wife didn’t know. We later watched the series and as [Caitlin] was shot, she jumped out of her chair.

An option to reduce the workload for Alexander was apparently not discussed. Aside from a shocking death, it would certainly have been possible to turn Agent Caitlin Todd into one recurring supporting character to transform.

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