Nuclear: is safety up to scratch?

restart of two nuclear reactors as winter approaches

A year ago, Emmanuel Macron presented his nuclear revival project. Objective according to the government: to deal in particular with the energy and climate crises. Among the changes on the table… The rapprochement of the IRSN, Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety with the ASN (the nuclear safety authority) and the CEA, (Atomic Energy Commission). This change must be integrated into the nuclear acceleration law which arrives in parliamentary committee at the National Assembly on Wednesday (March 1, 2023) and could be voted on in plenary assembly as early as mid-March. Is this good or bad news for nuclear safety in France?

To discuss it :

Thierry Charles, former Director General in charge of Nuclear Safety at the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN)

Emmanuelle GalichetDoctor in Nuclear Physics, Lecturer in Nuclear Science and Technology at the National Conservatory of Trades and Crafts (CNAM)

Corinne Lepage, lawyer, president of CAP21, the citizen gathering and former Minister of the Environment, author of the books The state of nuclear and the Truth about Nuclear, Albin Michael.
