New Year? It rhymes with price increases: a blow coming to families

New Year It rhymes with price increases a blow coming

(Finance) – The rise in prices will not stop even in 2024: the National Observatory Federconsumatori has calculated, in fact, that in the new year an increase of + 1,011.26 euros per year on the accounts of each family.
An upward trend driven, once again, by the increase in the prices of energy goods, which are still growing, especially driven by gas, also in light of the elimination of the VAT discount and on system charges, as well as due to the transition to the free market, where tariffs are on average more expensive than those guaranteed up to now on the protected market. There is also no shortage of price increases in the fields of food, catering, transport, car insurance and water and waste disposal services, as well as local tariffs and taxes.

The blow arriving with the new year will hit a situation already severely compromised by these years of price increases and sacrifices: for this reason, a more targeted and incisive commitment by the Government on support measures for families and the less well-off and on the fight against growing inequalities is becoming increasingly urgent.

As we have reiterated for some time – underlines the ONF – it is necessary, first of all, don’t let your guard down on the energy frontavoiding taking harmful steps backwards on social bonuses and discounts VAT, which the Government has instead done, restoring them, and we need to create a Fund against energy poverty. Furthermore, it is important to implement a remodulation of VAT rates on consumer goods, accompanying it with sanctioning control measures, which would allow families to save over 531.57 euros per year.

“Countering inequalities yesit also means finding resources where they have been most accumulated; – states Michele Carrus, President of Federconsumatori – in this sense we ask to finance the measures just described through a serious plan to combat tax evasion and avoidance, adequate taxation of extra profits and an increase in taxation on financial transactions.”

Always in theme of price increases, Assoutients expresses opposition to “to the Government’s choice to repeat the usual New Year ritual and increase tolls at motorway toll boothswhich apparently aim to finance works on the network” but which “in reality contribute to the profits of the motorway companies as confirmed by the financial statements of the last 2 years, such increases must be denied even more so in the absence of economic-financial plans as envisaged by ART”, the association states in a note rejecting the proposal included in the Milleproroghe decree.

“The resolution of the Transport Regulatory Authority must be respected – thunders the honorary president of Assoutenti, Furio Truzzi – We ask Parliament to vote against and to bring the logic of tariff increases back into a visible and concrete greater provision of services and safety to justify the higher costs incurred by users. We are against such increases also because in a still delicate moment they can contribute to further inflationary pressures especially for consumer goods, given that 88% of goods in our country travel by road. We ask the Price Guarantor for an immediate analysis and intervention to avoid this increase” – concludes Truzzi.
