New Twilight series with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson? Only an original star is likely to return

New Twilight series with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Only

In the cinemas, the Twilight series was a mass phenomenon at the time. The five films starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as fantasy lovers Bella and Edward grossed over $3.3 billion. So it’s not surprising that after the announcement of a new Harry Potter series, a Twilight reboot is now to come as a series.

The question that most fans are likely to ask after this message is clear: do the original stars return? We explain to you why this is rather unlikely. Another cast member from the films might be more on board.

Twilight stars are now too old for a reboot

There is no information yet on the content of the planned Twilight series. However, it is quite possible that Stephenie Meyer’s novels will serve as a template for a more extensive adaptation. This could re-imagine the romance between Bella and Edward for a contemporary younger audience.

That brings with it the biggest hurdle: Stewart (33 years) and Pattinson (36 years) are now far too old to play the iconic characters again. If the Twilight series is going to be a reboot of Meyer’s books, the Stars for the main roles are again around 20 years old be. This left Stewart and Pattinson with rather alternative roles in the fantasy franchise. But that brings us to the next big problem.

Twilight stars have freed themselves from fantasy image

In addition to their roles as Bella and Edward, Stewart and Pattinson have come into the public eye primarily through their private love affair. Their relationship behind the cameras was gossip at its finest, while they continued after the film series ended reduced to their Twilight roles by many to this day become.

Watch Yves’ video about his first time with Twilight here:

For the first time Twilight – I suffer for you! rewatch

Both stars have long since freed themselves impressively from their fantasy image. Both Stewart and Pattinson have shown their talents with roles in films such as Personal Shopper, Spencer, Underwater, Good Time, The Lighthouse and The Batman.

A return to the Twilight brand would be great for both stars personal step backwards to a part of their careers that they have freed themselves from over the years. In the meantime, both are regarded as respected border crossers between exciting indie/arthouse cinema and occasional blockbuster excursions.

Your prestige value should now be far too high for participation in a planned Twilight series. With another original star, the chances of a comeback are better.

Twilight series could bring Taylor Lautner back

In his role as the werewolf Jacob, Taylor Lautner also became world famous through Twilight. However, after the end of the film series, the actor could not a great film career start. Roles in action flicks like Tracers have largely gone unnoticed, and Lautner has faded from the public eye more and more in recent years.

A role in the planned Twilight series, possibly as a father figure, could help him make a comeback. So the chances of participation in the fantasy project are much higher with Lautner than with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

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