New medieval MMORPG is now hosting a free trial on Steam

Reign of Guilds is a new MMORPG on Steam in which you fight against monsters but also against other players in the first-person view. It wants to go back to the roots of the genre and has chosen an interesting path, especially in PvP.

What kind of game is this? Reign of Guilds is an old school MMORPG with a big medieval world paired with fantasy elements like magic. The focus is on the conflicts between the guilds, but there should also be a lot to do apart from that.

  • At the beginning you create a character without a class and can distribute the first attribute points as you wish. Later, you have the opportunity to specialize in one of 14 “mini classes”.
  • It relies on an action combat system in which you have to actively aim yourself. There will be no tab targeting like in WoW.
  • Crafting plays an important role, because items lose strength over time because they wear out. That’s why you have to constantly craft new equipment.
  • For PvE fans there will be dungeons and world bosses. There is also player housing for every type of player.
  • The big focus, however, is PvP. You can conquer one of 60 fortresses, become the administrator of one of the 14 counts yourself or take on the role of king. He rules the entire world, collects taxes, but can also be overthrown.
  • The game relies on guild wars with up to 150 participants. Open PvP also reigns in most zones of the game world, with a particularly interesting karma system.

    Whoever only eliminates “evil” enemies is crowned a saint. He does not need to fear any penalties and even gets discounts from retailers. However, those who attack defenseless victims outside of their level range become “Psycho”. These lose some equipment and experience points when they are killed. In addition, at a certain point, the dealers no longer want to speak to you.

    You can get a first look at the gameplay here:

    Reign of Guilds update trailer

    More videos

    Free playtest on Steam runs until July 17th

    What is this test? The fourth playtest for Reign of Guilds is currently running on Steam. This runs until July 17th at 21:00 and can be played completely for free.

    To participate, all you have to do is visit the Steam page and request access for the playtest. You will receive it immediately and can start downloading right away.

    The test includes the tutorial, the first 2 of 14 counties and the guild battles for them. Compared to the last test in April, the control system, adjustments to the AI ​​and new skills have been brought into play. Another county was actually planned, but it wasn’t finished in time.

    What’s next? A few adjustments are still planned before Early Access, including marketplaces, two more counties, underground mechanics in the form of mines and caves, and the implementation of Easy Anti Cheat. It is not yet known when exactly Early Access will start.

    Currently, however, Reign of Guilds is noticeably behind schedule. The original Early Access release was planned for 2021.

    What payment system does Reign of Guilds use? The MMORPG will be a Pay2Play title. You have to buy it once and then take out a subscription to be able to play it.

    In return, it completely dispenses with direct Pay2Win, but also “indirect Pay2Win”. By this, the developers mean certain premium features such as buffs, which are often also referred to as Pay2Progress.

    What do you think of Reign of Guilds? Does the game appeal to you? Or are you rather deterred by the old-fashioned graphics and the subscription model?

    You can find more MMORPGs in development here: All 59 MMORPGs currently in development for PC
