new live-action movie confirmed, first information

new live action movie confirmed first information

It’s not a scoop for anyone, cinema has relied heavily on video games in recent years. It must be said that the licenses are established, and the public half conquered. But this collaboration between the two mediums is not new, and if there is one video game publisher who knows it more than the others, it’s a certain Capcom. The latter has just confirmed the start of a live-action film Street Fighter, produced by Legendary Pictures, already at the origin of big blockbusters such as Batman Begins, 300, Watchmen, Very Bad Trip, Le Choc from Titans, Detective Pikachu, Godzilla vsd Kong and many more. As for Street Fighter, it’s hard not to remember the 1994 feature film with a Jean-Claude Van Damme in the role of Guile and who became a real nanar that we watch with laughter and tenderness today. For the moment, information on this new adaptation is scant, but it seems that the character of Luke could have a place in this reboot of the 2020s.
