Nadine Khouri, dormant origins

Nadine Khouri.

Dear RFI ears, you usually have your share of war in Ukraine, Iranian revolts, diplomacy in sub-Saharan Africa, dear ears, if we take a break. If we said stop, shhh. Make room for an Anglo-Lebanese breath haunted by the dark, the sober, the folk.

There was The Salted air in 2017, here Another life served by a close voice, very close to us, that of Nadine Khouri. A voice-signature, which caresses and reinvents a life, driven into exile by a civil war in Lebanon, pushed by the wind to New York, London and today Marseille in the south of France. A musical In G Major completely under the spell of this Lady. Note that the first seduced in the long list of seduced is called John Parish, British producer of PJ Harvey… so, ready for this caressing voice?

Nadine Khouri’s musical choices

Nadine Khouri Another life

Lhasa of Sela Anywhere on this Road
