More effective than Viagra! Foods to eat to increase sexual power

More effective than Viagra Foods to eat to increase sexual

Unresolved sexual problems can lead to bigger problems. Factors such as stress, various diseases, medications and age can cause a decrease in sexual power. There are many foods that are very useful to increase sexual power.



The juice of this root vegetable can increase your stamina and enable you to continue your bedroom activity for much longer. Researchers have found that the nitrates in beet juice help reduce oxygen uptake, making exercise less strenuous. Once nitrates enter the body, they are converted into nitric oxide, which plays a key role in the relaxation and opening of blood vessels and subsequently improves blood flow to the penis.


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Some nuts are rich sources of L-arginine, an amino acid. L-arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a substance that increases blood flow to the penis. As a bonus, nuts and their healthy fat content (omega-3 fatty acids) can help lower cholesterol, which can improve blood circulation. These are the foods you should eat for that extra stamina boost in the bedroom:

  • Walnut
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Nuts
  • Peanut


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Another food that provides a super L-arginine boost is spinach. It supports and helps maintain erections. Another reason is that nitric oxide is involved in exercise recovery time, which will help your sexual health!


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Almost everyone has heard of oysters’ wonderful aphrodisiac properties, and even if you’re not a fan of their slimy texture, you’ll definitely be impressed by the effects on your performance. Oysters and scallops contain compounds that raise testosterone and estrogen levels. An increase in hormone production means increased sexual desire in many cases.


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You may have been warned in the past to never eat garlic before a date, but the fragrant herb works wonders because it’s a natural blood thinner often used to prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. The anticoagulant properties ensure ample blood flow to your lower areas. You and your partner can benefit from a healthy dose of garlic before a night of sex.

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If you want to get a healthy erection, you should eat eggs. Eggs contain the amino acid L-arginine, which can improve erectile dysfunction. They are also an excellent source of amino acids that combat certain heart conditions and erectile dysfunction.

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The nutritious citrulline found in watermelons can have a Viagra-like effect on the body as it raises nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels. This is the same effect Viagra is supposed to treat erectile dysfunction.


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Consuming too much coffee on a regular basis leads to overstimulation of the adrenal glands, flooding the body with hormones normally produced during times of stress. These hormones negatively affect libido and sexual performance. Alternatively, try ginseng tea, which contains the compound ginsenoside, which can increase sexual satisfaction and prevent erectile dysfunction.
