Milleproroghe, Anief: mobility, increases, contracts and precarious rankings. The amending proposals are ready

Rinnovo contratto Pacifico ANIEF andava firmato per vari motivi nel

(Finance) – “On Milleproroghe we are preparing some amending proposals that will try to provide answers to the school staff. First of all to the staff who want to present the mobility application. More than 45 thousand new hires are blocked by the current rules and therefore we will ask the extension of the exemption from these constraints”, to support him Marcello Pacifico, president of Anief.
According to the independent trade unionist, the school and its workers need it substantial changes to the mobility of permanent staff, today caged and blocked by anachronistic constraints. But they are also needed increases in the number of teachers and ATA staff, both to improve teaching and to better address the needs of autonomous schools increasingly dealing with the Pnrr projects. How they serve rules on contracts and rankings of temporary workers, to be taken directly from GPS in cases where the available ones run out.

“There is in Italy – said Pacifico in a video interview with the Finance agency – an objective problem of hiring in schools, which certainly cannot be resolved only with the new extraordinary competitions of the PNRR: we must continue hiring in roles from before GPS band. Starting from the support posts” with the stabilization “of all those who have the specialization, but we would also like a system that can lead to hiring everyone, from the first to the second band, with the double recruitment channel” .
