Maternity leave: duration, calculation, salary, when to take it?

Maternity leave duration calculation salary when to take it

When does maternity leave start and how many weeks does it last depending on the number of children? How to calculate the date of prenatal and postnatal leave? What are the daily allowances? We guide you.

On what dates can you take your maternity leave before and after childbirth? We guide you to calculate the start and end dates of maternity leave, but also know the steps to take to benefit from it. Calculation, conditions, amount of maternity leave… Here’s what you need to know before and after the baby arrives.

How long is maternity leave in France?

In France, for a first or second child, the duration of maternity leave is 16 weeks, with 6 weeks to be taken before the birth and 10 weeks after the birth. The duration of maternity leave varies according to the number of dependent children, but also if you are pregnant with twins or triplets. From the third child, maternity leave lasts a total of 26 weeks.

Duration of prenatal leave (= before delivery)

  • The duration of prenatal leave is of 6 weeks for a first and second child,
  • 8 weeks from the third child.
  • 12 weeks or 24 weeks in the event of a twin or multiple pregnancy.

Duration of postnatal leave (= after childbirth)

  • The duration of postnatal leave is of 10 weeks (1st and 2nd child)
  • 18 weeks (3rd child or more),
  • 22 weeks, regardless of the number of children to be born, in the event of a multiple pregnancy.

Duration of maternity leave in the event of twins

If you are pregnant with twins or triplets, the total duration of your maternity leave will then be 34 weeks or 46 weeks (from three children). You can take 12 weeks of prenatal leave and 22 weeks after the baby is born. The duration of prenatal leave can be 24 weeks depending on the number of children.

Calculation of the duration of maternity leave according to the number of children
Number of childrenDuration of prenatal leaveDuration of postnatal leaveTotal duration of maternity leave
1er child6 weeks10 weeks16 weeks
2e child6 weeks10 weeks16 weeks
3e child or more8 weeks18 weeks26 weeks
Twins12 weeks22 weeks34 weeks
Triplets or more24 weeks22 weeks46 weeks

Duration of maternity leave for self-employed mothers

Independent workers benefit from the same duration of maternity leave than employees. While they were entitled to between 6 and 11 weeks of maternity leave, future and new mothers can now stop between 8 weeks minimum and maximum up to 16 weeksi.e. up to 112 days while being compensated.

Duration of maternity leave for mothers of premature babies

The leave is extended for all mothers who have given birth several weeks early and whose condition of the baby requires hospitalization. The extension of this new maternal leave depends on how many days the baby is in advance. The period during which the mother can benefit from rest days is increased by number of days between the birth of the baby and 6 weeks before the due date. This period is added to the duration of the legal leave, but it cannot be severable from it. Furthermore, mothers of premature babies who died some time after birth are entitled to the same rights. More information on the site

The start and end date of maternity leave depends on expected date of delivery and number of children dependent (including the baby to be born). By taking into account the duration of 16 weeks (i.e. 6 weeks before the expected date of delivery and 10 weeks after the birth of the baby, here is an example for calculate the date of your maternity leave.

Can the dates of maternity leave be postponed?

It is entirely possible to postpone part of your prenatal leave (up to three weeks) to enjoy a little more time with your newborn. Your doctor will nevertheless have to give his agreement and you will then benefit from 13 weeks (instead of 10 weeks) after the birth of your child. To do this, you need to send a request for postponement of maternity leave to the CPAM as well as a medical certificate attesting that your state of health allows you to continue your professional activity before the birth. And if you are wondering until when it is possible to change your mind, know that your request must be made at the latest one day before the date of your initially scheduled leave. In addition, you are not obliged to obtain the agreement of your employer.

Can we bring forward the start of prenatal leave?

Yes, under certain conditions as well. If you want anticipate your maternity leaveknow that it can be advanced within the limit of 2 weeks if you are pregnant with your third child, and within the limit of 4 weeks in the event of multiple births. Note that the duration of postnatal leave is reduced by the same number of weeks. For example, if you are expecting your 3rd child, you can take 10 weeks before delivery, and therefore 16 weeks after the birth of your baby.

How long and in which case to take a pathological leave?

Depending on your state of pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe pathological leave which is added to the duration of your prenatal leave. Its duration is 14 consecutive days or not. It must be taken before the child is born.

About the pathological leave related to childbirth, this lasts for a maximum of 4 weeks and can be taken all at once, after birth. Finally, a sick leave can be offered by the gynecologist or the general practitioner to women after childbirth when the aftermath is difficult, due to a cesarean section for example or severe baby blues. There is no specific leave for breastfeeding, unless the company’s collective agreement provides for it.

What are the conditions for maternity leave?

To collect daily allowances during your maternity leaveyou must have been registered with Social Security for at least 10 months at the expected date of birth. You must also have carried out a minimum of 150 hours of salaried work during the three calendar months, i.e. 90 days preceding the work stoppage, or have contributed on a salary greater than 1015 times the hourly minimum wage during the six months preceding the date of the beginning of your pregnancy.

What is the amount of maternity leave benefits?

It is the health insurance fund (CPAM) that pays the daily allowancesevery 14 days. In 2023, the amount is between 9.77 euros and 95.22 euros per day. It is calculated based on the basic daily salary and the total of the last three months of gross wages received before the start date of maternity leave, all divided by 91.25. Check with your collective agreement, some sometimes offer more favorable compensation conditions than those of Social Security, which can go as far as maintaining your salary in full.

How to calculate the amount of daily allowances?

  • First, you need to know your basic daily salary. It is calculated by adding up your last three gross salaries, received before the date on which you stopped working. Divide everything by 91.25. Note that the maximum amount of the basic daily salary taken into account cannot exceed 3666 euros in 2022.
  • The CPAM then withdraws a flat rate of 21%
  • The minimum amount of maternity leave cannot be less than 9.77 euros per day, and cannot exceed 95.22 euros per day.

Maternity leave and unemployment: what salary?

Unemployed mothers-to-be can benefit from daily allowances during their maternity leave if they perceive a unemployment benefit from Pôle emploi or, if this is no longer the case, if they received it during the last twelve months. They are also entitled to it if they have ceased their salaried activity for less than 12 months. The allocation and calculation of daily allowances depends on their previous professional activity. It is therefore sufficient to send the last four payslips to the CPAM. If you are concerned, the simulator of the health insurance website allows you to calculate the amount of your compensation.

What are the procedures for maternity leave?

You have until the end of your 14th week of pregnancy to declare that you are expecting a child, to the CPAM and the family allowance fund. You have two choices. Be there simplified declaration of pregnancy, which your doctor or midwife can do online. It will then be sent directly to the organizations concerned. If you prefer, you can also send them by post the “First prenatal medical examination” form that your doctor will give you during the first consultation during your pregnancy. As for your employer, he must be informed of your pregnancy before the start of your maternity leave (no date is therefore mandatory). It is nevertheless recommended to notify her by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or delivery against receipt, at the beginning of pregnancy, in order to be protected from dismissal. This letter must specify the reason for your absence and the end date of maternity leave.

Maternity leave letter template for employer © JDF

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Your maternity leave is coming to an end, and will you be back to work soon? Your employer will invite you to a return to work visit, which must take place within 8 days of your return to the office. The opportunity to check whether your position is still compatible with your state of health, to find out about the possibilities of adaptation, adaptation of your position, or even reclassification according to the recommendations of the occupational doctor. Note: this visit is mandatory and must take place during your working hours. So you are paid. If you are breastfeeding, do not hesitate to mention it during the interview, because you have the right to breastfeed during your working hours.
