M-top shared sexist and racist images

M top shared sexist and racist images

Among other things, he has shared a picture of a naked woman whose penis is covered by a seagull and a crude joke about oral sex, as well as a picture of the leader of the Left Party Nooshi Dadgostar with a comment about her neckline. He has also shared several images with racist and homophobic content.

The messages were sent in private chats to a former party colleague between 2019 and 2022.

Says himself Johan Abrahamsson that it is about “normal bush humor”.

– Here you are sitting with twelve pictures, you can probably find 100 more. But this is my humor and I stand by it, he tells P4.

After M’s deputy party secretary Karin Juhlin criticized the messages, however, Johan Abrahamsson changes his footing, and writes in a post on Facebook that he is remorseful.
