LR without dynamics? Its star candidate would do worse than the PCF in 2027

LR without dynamics Its star candidate would do worse than

Three years before the election, a poll on the next presidential election predicts the rout of Laurent Wauquiez, despite the fact that he is the most likely candidate for his camp.

Can the Republicans afford another rout in the next presidential election? Valérie Pécresse’s 4.78% in 2022 are still a bitter memory for the right. Since then, the party has limited the damage to legislative, electing just enough deputies (58) to the National Assembly to become the adjustment variable for the presidential majority. Along the way, he lost a certain number of units to the Macronist camp, the latest being Rachida Dati. He finally elected a new president, in the person of Eric Ciotti, who appointed his man for 2027.

This man is Laurent Wauquiez : The president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional council dreams of winning the Elysée in the next presidential election. Only, he does not make many French people dream of him, according to a recent survey. An Ifop barometer unveiled on January 14 by the JDD asks the French about their intentions if they were to vote for a new president at this time. Among the different personalities submitted to opinion, Laurent Wauquiez accounts, from one hypothesis to another, between 5 and 6% of voting intentions.

Behind Zemmour and Roussel

LR’s flagship candidate therefore comes in sixth position in this poll. He is given behind Eric Zemmour, who for his part collects between 6.5% and 9% of voting intentions. In several configurations, Laurent Wauquiez even fails behind the communist Fabien Rousselwhich oscillates between 5 and 6.5%.

Not enough to reassure the Republican camp, which will already have to fight to save its seats in the European elections. The election of June 9, 2024 will already be a good test for the party, just three years before the presidential election.
