LoL punishes toxic players – and with it all fans of “ARAM”.

Riot has introduced a penalty for toxic players in League of Legends. But this ensures that these players take out their frustration in ARAMs. MeinMMO tells you what’s behind it.

With Patch 13.19, Riot introduced a big change to Ranked Mode. Effective immediately, toxic players who behave particularly badly will be hit with penalties that will temporarily ban them from ranked matches. To return to ranked play, they must complete a set number of normal matches, ARAMs, or rotating game modes such as URF.

But in particular, ARAMs appear to be flooded with toxic players who are now taking out their frustration there. Players are angry and demand that toxic players leave ARAM alone.

You can see a video of the newest champion Briar here:

League of Legends Briar – Animated video for the new jungler

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Toxic players don’t put in any effort in ARAM just to quickly get back to ranked play

What do the players say? The current penalty for toxic behavior is that players who act negatively in ranked mode will be banned for five games. During this time, some players seem to be choosing to use ARAM as a speedrun – to get back into ranked play as quickly as possible.

The ARAM players are frustrated with the toxic players because they won’t put in any effort. The player LittleMacAteBigMac emphasizes on Reddit that after just one day his chat window was full of messages asking players to quickly end the game. Some would even go so far as to play without items or with strange combinations of items – just to finish the game as quickly as possible.

He also writes about this:

[…] It kills me because ARAM is significantly less toxic than Summoner’s Rift and is the ideal way to play League for some people. Now it’s a good way for the toxic types to relieve stress […] ,without fear that their rank will be punished. […] Leave Aram alone.[…]

LittleMacAteBigMac via Reddit

Other players are also becoming increasingly frustrated and are voicing their dissatisfaction on Reddit while suggesting possible solutions:

  • Boredy0 writes: No idea why they made it 5 games instead of 3 wins, everyone could see it coming, people would just try to lose as quickly as possible.
  • bearingtoon12 suggests the following: The fact that they are merging the naughty players in the queue with the rest of the players for Normals and Arams is absolutely crazy. Put them all in a lobby against each other.
  • DazeandConfusedTuna is fed up and writes: This is the only way I play League anymore, and honestly I don’t plan on going back unless they change this penalty to another one. The reason I still play ARAM is because of its low toxicity, so I don’t like Riot ruining my gaming experience at all.
  • Overall, the dissatisfaction in the League of Legends community with regard to the current changes in the ranking system and their impact on ARAM games is clearly noticeable. Players long for a pleasant and fair gaming experience.

    It is now up to Riot to take player feedback and concerns seriously and make further adjustments to the ranking system if necessary.

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