Laurie Pezeron makes people read with passion

Laurie Pezeron makes people read with passion

Laurie Pezeron is Communication Manager at the Paris Federation of the Education League and founder in Ile de France of the association ” Read! » . Since 2007, she has been running this book club, which allows you to discover texts by African, Afro-descendant, Caribbean authors or authors relating to “Afro” themes.

“I went to bed early for a long time,” wrote Marcel Proust at the opening of “Recherche du Temps Perdu”. It is doubtless that young Marcel had not yet found the pleasure of reading, which sometimes, when the story is exciting, can keep us awake all night.

But can this taste for reading, a solitary pleasure, which is said to be rivaled by screens, be encouraged and shared? Can we read together? And to find out what? There are certainly answers to be found by discovering ” Read ! With an exclamation point, in other words: “Read! ” in French. This injunction is the name of a Parisian book club. Which allows you to discover texts by African, Afro-descendant and Caribbean authors. Who comes there? Or ? How and with what?

Laurie Pezeron, founder of Read! Afro’ authors’ book club is the guest of VMDN.

Broadcast during the show as part of the event #10marjelis of a reading of the Franco-Senegalese slammer Souleymane Diamanka of text ” At the school of the chameleon by the Malian writer Amadou Ampâté Bâ. A video of Souleymane Diamanka reading an excerpt from the book ” The Prophet by Khalil Gibran is broadcast on RFI’s social networks.

On the menu of this Café Gourmand

  • Amelie Beaucour met the writer Arnaud Rozan for his novel ” Memoirs of White Houses » published by Plon editions. A book that tells the untold story that connects Joe Biden, the American president, to an old lady on the street who approaches him on the day of his inauguration, before he gives his speech and notably addresses the difficulty of integration of African Americans into society.
  • Laura Dulieu read the comic-documentary “ Hmong by Vicky Lyfoung published by Delcourt editions. A comic strip that returns in a historical and personal way to the little-known history of this ethnic group from Southeast Asia.
  • Edmond Sadaka met the singer Salvatore Adamo on the occasion of the release of his new album In French please “. He interprets in French the greatest hits of Anglo-Saxon song: Pearl Jam, Elton John, America or even Bob Dylan.
