Latest news – Unmanned grocery stores are increasing

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There are more unmanned grocery stores

today at 07.11 Johanna Sundbeck

In the Swedish countryside, unmanned grocery stores are springing up – and now there are expected to be more of them, reports say Swedens radio.

Erik Bergh, analyst at the Trade Research Institute, tells Sveriges Radio that the trend is here to stay.

Today there are around 130 stores in various parts of Sweden.

The food giants, including the Ica group, are following suit and already have around 40 unmanned stores today. Around 150 more stores are in the works.

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    This is stated by the Ukrainian military in a post on Facebook.

    According to the military, Russia must, among other things, check that the residents have passports and urge them to go south, to the Crimean peninsula.

    Evacuation buses are said to leave the area regularly.

    According to the Ukrainian military, the civilian population is being informed that forced mobilization will begin at the end of April.

  • Four-storey building collapsed after suspected explosion

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    Henrik von Eckermann. Archive image. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT

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  • Israel: More rocket attacks from Syria

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    This means that a total of six rockets were fired from Israel’s northeastern neighbor within the space of a couple of hours.

    The Israeli military says the attacks were met with artillery fire at the areas in Syria from which the rockets were fired.

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    There are no reports of people being injured or killed by the latest rockets. (TT)

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    – I can say as much as that we are investigating a suspected serious crime, says Jens Mårtensson, duty officer at the police in Stockholm.

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  • Cameras should detect women without a veil

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    Women found without the hijab, a veil that covers the hair, will receive a text message with a warning text about the consequences, the country’s police have announced, according to the BBC.

    In a statement published by state news agency Irna, police said the surveillance cameras use so-called “smart” technology to identify the women and then send documents and warning messages to those who violate the hijab law.

    The veiling law was introduced in Iran in 1983, four years after the Islamic revolution. (TT)

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    According to BBC Bester was arrested on Friday with his girlfriend and a third person, and will now be extradited to South Africa.

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    Protesters in Tel Aviv Photo: Ariel Schalit/AP

    Tens of thousands of people in Israel gathered on Saturday in new protests against the government’s criticized proposal to reduce the power of the judiciary.

    In Tel Aviv, a large protest was held barely two kilometers from the place where a suspected terrorist act occurred on Friday, TT reports.

    The demonstrators held a minute’s silence for the victims of the car attack, as well as for the young sisters who were shot dead in the West Bank and others who have been affected in recent times.

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  • If I’m insane when I’m out driving (typically on a Monday morning on the way to work), am I automatically classified as an insane driver even if I obey the speed limit?


    In order for us to call you a crazy driver or your drive a crazy drive, you would have to drive the vehicle in an insane way.

    It’s not enough that you’re insane, be a bit calm and careful for yourself inside the car.

  • Lina Thoren you write that the Leaders are independent social democratic.

    How can you be independent if you are a social democrat??

    After all, you are journalists and should be able to have the right content in your choice of words, right? /Interested

    Jenny Kristina Westberg

    Hello Jenny!

    There is a difference between social democracy as a political ideology and the party Social Democrats.

    Here you can read more about it.

  • Now it has happened again. Aftonbladet has not been updated since yesterday morning



    That doesn’t sound right Margareta. We update with new things all the time.

    Have you tried turning off the phone or computer you are using and restarting? Sometimes it can help if there is some technical glitch.

  • Hello, do you know what’s happening in Järna just outside Södertälje? Full deployment with police patrols, etc


    The police received an alarm about explosions. It turned out to be firecrackers.

  • Is it known what will happen to the neighbor in Beck now…?

    Will they recast that role with Loa Falkman, or will they computer animate the neighbor in future films? :/

    Sound cannon

    We have no information about that at the moment.

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