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Gymnasium is evacuated after threats

today at 14.19 Emil Forsberg

The police have been alerted to a high school in Tyresö municipality after a threat was received.

– We are there on site and working. The school is evacuated, but we are not the ones evacuated, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

The police do not want to go into what type of threat was received.

– Right now, it’s a lot about information gathering, because what happened is not entirely clear.

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    Technical problems for Sveriges Radio Photo: Screenshot

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    Read more here.

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  • Hi, where can you read about the incident with a dog defending its master against a bear?


  • How much should private households receive in electricity subsidy?


    Hey! How much you get in support depends on which electricity area you live in, so it’s a bit difficult to answer that in general terms. The payments are based on the consumption you had from October 2021 through September 2022.

    You can read more about it here.

  • How do I get rid of the annoying news box in the upper right corner of the screen? Annoying when reading something else.

    Erling Olsson

    Hey! If it’s the TV you’re referring to, you can click it off by pressing the cross in the top right corner.

  • How did the dog Gordon defend his master against the bear? Did he make it?


    The dog Gordon made it, a real hero one must say!

  • What does it mean that “Warner Bros. Discovery, which has the 2024 Olympics, has acquired the pay TV rights from 2026-2032.” at the same time that SVT has taken over the rights for the Olympics. Will both broadcast the Olympics?


    Hey! No, it is only SVT that will broadcast the Olympics here in Sweden during that period. That when the EBU, European Broadcasting Union, secured the free-to-air television rights for European public service companies. You can read more about it here.

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