Jimmie Åkesson on the SD disclosure: “Boiled soup on a thin nail"

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Last week, Kalla fakta was able to reveal that SD’s Mattias Karlsson had co-authored a 17-page manifesto with conspiracy theories. Now Jimmie Åkesson is speaking out about his party colleague’s writing. – Cold facts have boiled soup on a rather thin nail, he says in Nyhetsmorgon. An elite wants to replace Swedish culture with radical Islam – this is claimed in a text that SD leader Mattias Karlsson co-wrote. The manifesto is a 17-page document from the Fundraising Foundation for Swedish Conservatism, which is dated 2021. The cover is adorned by the Sweden Democrats’ chief ideologue, member of parliament Mattias Karlsson. But the party leader of the Sweden Democrats disagrees. – I have not read what you call a manifesto and I have nothing to do with this, says Jimmie Åkesson. “Has nothing to do with this” He believes that the interview with Kalla fakta is “cut apart as it always is”. – The entire interview with Kalla fakta is on YouTube, so you can watch it and judge for yourself whether you think it is reasonable and serious or a journalistic accident, says Jimmie Åkesson. The party leader says that the manifesto is an internal working document that is completely independent from the Sweden Democrats. – I don’t have any reason whatsoever to look into this, but it is the Cold Facts that have boiled soup on a rather thin nail, says Åkesson. See the interview with Jimme Åkesson in the player above
