Football: Norwegian bets for the Champions League final – the winner gets to take care of the loser

Lyon have the legendary Ada Hegerberg back for the final while Barcelona have Caroline Graham Hansen and Ingrid Syrstad Engen in their squad. Earlier today, the trio were selected in the Norwegian European Championship squad for the qualifying matches against Italy.

Hegerberg has told a Norwegian journalist about the bet with Graham Hansen and that the winner will have to pay for himself, maybe not in money but in some kind of service or task in this reverse bet.

– We settled the bet to motivate the loser because we have important matches with the national team. Then we agreed that the winner would take care of the loser to put that person in a better mood and keep the good atmosphere from the final, says Graham Hansen at today’s press conference.

Third meeting in six years

It will be the third final meeting between the teams in the last six years. Barcelona are reigning champions after 3-2 against Wolfsburg last year.

– It is simply a gesture to show good behavior towards each other where we as friends support each other. Tomorrow we meet each other and one of us will be happy and one sad, explains Graham Hansen, looking forward to the match at the San Mames stadium on the Spanish north coast.

– It’s a great rivalry and it will be a fantastic match. We are just looking forward to the game, says Graham Hansen.
