Meat worth SEK 4,700 was stolen from the Ica Maxi store

Meat worth SEK 4700 was stolen from the Ica Maxi

At the end of May this year, a 35-year-old man was convicted of theft at an Ica Maxi store in central Sweden.

On one occasion in December 2023, the man allegedly stole meat from an Ica Maxi store to a total value of SEK 4,595. The man admitted during questioning that he had committed the deed, and this is also confirmed by the investigation that was carried out.


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The man appears in 27 sections of the charge register

The man appears in 27 sections of the charge register and in both June 2023 and April 2024 the man was convicted of other thefts. In the case of these two sentences, the penalty was imprisonment.

The man was paroled from his prison terms in October 2023 and his probation was set to expire in September 2024.

But now Frivården assesses that the risk of future criminality is increased in light of previous convictions as well as due to the man’s previous abuse and previous pro-criminal association, it is stated in the judgment which News24 took part in.

The probation service therefore believes that the man is in need of supervision and probation, something he himself is positive about as he wants to continue his care contact.


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The man is sentenced for theft with the penalty of probation

The district court believes that probation can contribute to the man not committing new crimes and having a changed life situation. The man is therefore sentenced to theft with the penalty of probation and must undergo the care and treatment that the Probation Service deems appropriate.
