It is seen in 1 in 40 children! Parents, pay attention if you have these symptoms.

It is seen in 1 in 40 children Parents pay

Autism is seen in 1 in 40 children. Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Diseases, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Assoc. Dr. Serhat Nasıroğlu stated that there has been an increase in the number of people with autism in recent years.


Emphasizing that the symptoms have increased compared to the past, the expert emphasized that nearly half of the society may have symptoms of autism after 200-300 years.



In his statement, the expert said, “It is not right to attribute the entire increase to the increase in differences or to the increase in psychiatry as children diagnosed. Many factors that we cannot currently define, that we suspect, but that we can determine better in the future, are seen as the reason for the increase in frequency.” He said that autism is non-verbal communication problems. He emphasized and continued his words as follows:

“When we say non-verbal, we are actually talking about symptoms other than language development. Deficiencies in eye contact, joint attention skills, that is, being able to understand the other party’s intentions, empathy, expressing one’s own intentions, having social skills appropriate to the environment, coming up with alternative thoughts in the face of a certain event.” Symptoms such as these occur.

Some of these symptoms are also seen in other disorders other than autism. Social communication deficits, as well as other different disorders, can also be observed. “It is useful to take such issues into consideration when making a diagnosis.”



Emphasizing that family members should pay attention to the movements of their children, the expert said, “We see that there are problems in eye contact, problems in looking when your name is called, communication problems related to your child’s lack of effort to include you in his own game when you play or his not getting into your game.”

If the child has problems such as empathy or repetitive movements, it is recommended to consult a child and adolescent psychiatrist.

The expert continued his explanations as follows:

“Apart from these symptoms, one of the most common reasons we are contacted is language development problems.

Language development problems are not actually a diagnostic criterion for autism, but we see that a significant portion of children with autism have speech delay.

For this reason, children with the symptoms I have just explained should be taken to a child and adolescent psychiatrist. “
