It can cause inflammation in the esophagus! Here are the lesser known harms…

It can cause inflammation in the esophagus Here are the

Protein-packed peanut butter is one of the favorite foods of athletes. Peanut butter, which is frequently consumed for breakfast and has a high fat content, has many harms.


Peanut butter is high in fat, so it can harm the stomach.

Peanut butter can cause inflammation in the esophagus.

It causes inflammation in the esophagus!  Here are the lesser known harms...

People with cholesterol need to be careful.

It causes inflammation in the esophagus!  Here are the lesser known harms...

Peanut butter, which makes you gain weight due to the oil it contains, also brings the problem of acne.

It causes inflammation in the esophagus!  Here are the lesser known harms...

Pregnant individuals should be careful about the consumption of peanut butter.

It causes inflammation in the esophagus!  Here are the lesser known harms...

Problems such as reflux and heartburn may occur. In addition, even a spoonful of peanut butter can cause allergies.

It causes inflammation in the esophagus!  Here are the lesser known harms...
