Intesa Sanpaolo, Savings Museum at the Turin International Festival

Intesa Sanpaolo Savings Museum at the Turin International Festival

(Finance) – On the occasion of International Festival of Economics the Savings Museum in Intesa Sanpaolothe only museum of its kind dedicated to financial education in Turin, will be opened with free admission from May 31 to June 4 and will offer originals initiatives aimed at young people and adults which, as always, have the aim of addressing the issue of money management in a simple and fun way, but also with a digital and multimedia approach. On the afternoon of Friday 3 June, free guided tours will also be available for all the public by reservation from 4 to 6 pm (last visit starts, lasting approximately 1 hour.)

The Savings Museum has also planned some initiatives specifically aimed at primary and secondary schools of I and II grade. It starts on Monday 30 May with the new laboratory “INFO-mania. Choose the right economic information ”designed to sensitize female students of secondary schools to the importance of correctly examining and understanding information, with particular attention to those of an economic-financial nature. In the information society, in an era characterized by infodemics, people are continually reached by news coming from the most disparate sources. Knowing how to interpret and use them correctly has become one of the fundamental skills of a good citizen. The goal of the laboratory is precisely to teach how to critically evaluate information and make people understand the risks that arise from making decisions based on inaccurate information. (Laboratory hours 9.30 or 11.30, duration 90 minutes).

The “Stories of piggy banks” program is scheduled for Tuesday 31 May, reserved for primary schools, which aims to explain savings through the presentation of the extraordinary collection of piggy banks housed in the Museum. The first part of the special visit takes place in the Experimental Room of the Museum, where children will be able to discover the history and origins of the piggy bank. At the end, the group will move to the Sala Risparmiare to admire the 450 piggy banks on display and discover the interesting stories behind some of the pieces. Many of the piggy banks are particularly suitable for exploring the themes encountered along the museum itinerary and useful for stimulating an exchange of reflections on the meaning and importance of saving. (Visiting hours from 10 to 16, duration 45 minutes).

Throughout the day of Friday 3 June, free guided tours of the Museum are scheduled for schoolchildren entitled “Savings, money, financial instruments… discover the MoR routes!

The teacher can choose which path to study among those available at the following link: Shifts are available every 30 minutes starting at 9.00 and until 18.00.

The award ceremony of the Eco-Quiz will also take place on Wednesday 1 June, a special quiz on economic citizenship for lower secondary schools promoted by the Savings Museum and the IC Toscanini of Parma as part of the 10th edition of the 2022 EconoMia Competition held on the occasion of the International Festival of Economics. More than 2000 students from all over Italy participated in the three rounds of the Eco-quiz; a special award ceremony will be dedicated to the winners, the second class D of the G. Merliano – Tansillo state secondary school of Nola (NA).
