In the spotlight: the Salman Rushdies in France

In the spotlight the Salman Rushdies in France

Due to Islamist threats against them, between ” 30 and 50 » people are placed under protection in France, counts The Parisian Sunday. One of them told this newspaper ” that time erases nothing (…) A fatwa can catch up with you ten, twenty years later. Even if one of us becomes a farmer in the Creuse, the risk does not disappear “.

The emergency doctor Patrick Pelloux is one of these threatened people. In The Parisian Sundayhe fears to see ” a signal in the attack on Salman Rushdie, and wonders if dormant cells will activate ? “, if ” Islamists are waiting for this signal to act ? (…) It scares me very much. They are on the long, the very long term “, sighs Patrick Pelloux, while the lawyer Amine Elbahi, former “fixer” of the television program “Zone Interdite” for a report on Islamism in Roubaix (and who was also a LR candidate in the recent legislative elections in France), entrust it to Parisian Sunday. ” They never forget you… »

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to live like everyone else when you are under the influence of a fatwa “, also says Riss, editor-in-chief of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdoin an interview with Sunday newspaper. ” These kind of killers never let up », adds Bernard-Henri Lévy in The Sunday newspaper. According to this French philosopher, Salman Rushdie is due to win the Nobel Prize for Literature next October.

The Stranger in the Voting Booth

Francois Rebsamen is ” for » the vote of non-European foreigners in municipal elections. In a column published by The Sunday Journalthe former socialist minister, now a supporter of President Macron, believes that the vote of non-EU foreigners in municipal elections in France is a question of ” social justice “. According to François Rebsamen, France is ” behind on this topic “.

The RN moult

Since its success in the recent legislative elections, the National Rally intends to move from demonization to notabilisation. This is magazine analysis The Obs. ” After five weeks of parliamentary work, the National Rally and its 89 deputies have blended into the decor of the Assembly. How far will this quest for respectability go? ? asks this newspaper. ” In the National Assembly, the notabilisation of the RN is going well. Breakneck speed even, and everything seems to be going according to plan. Thanks, in particular, to the votes of the majority, the RN and its 89 deputies – more than La France insoumise or Les Républicains – obtained two vice-presidencies of the Assembly, while Marine Le Pen only hoped for one (…) And the RN came close to also winning the trophy for the finance committee. Cherry on the cake, highlighted The Obs, on July 26, two deputies from this party were also elected – a first – to sit on the Court of Justice of the Republic, responsible for judging ministers : the very close to Marine Le Pen, Bruno Bilde, as titular judge and Anaïs Sabatini as substitute. »

As this newspaper points out, these are “ new, spectacular conquests on the terrain of respectability. They are up to the frontist score of June 19, but were also won in the name of a very French “republican tradition” (…) “. ” What would have been said if the political class had denied the historic scores of the RN by ostracizing it in the Assembly ? “, we ask within the majority. However, some elected officials are already worried about the effects of this spectacular institutionalization. As one of them confided to Lobs: ” We have a real problem ahead of us. If tomorrow there is a dissolution, the RN wins “.
