If you take your car that day, you have a greater risk of being flashed

If you take your car that day you have a

Most radar cars are on the road several times a week, but there is one day in particular when they monitor vehicles more.

On the roads, they often go unnoticed, but when motorists spot their rectangular box on the dashboard, they, for the most part, keep a low profile. For what ? Because these are privatized radar cars. They established themselves in France a few years ago, and since then, they have been crisscrossing the roads in search of drivers who have their feet on the floor. These radar cars are capable of spotting all speeding vehicles and flashing them as discreetly as possible. As of January 1, 2021, 385 radar cars were deployed in several regions (Normandy, Brittany, Pays-de-la-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, Grand-Est, Hauts-de-France, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and New Aquitaine).

The majority of radar cars are operated by private companies to support law enforcement. They would also be much more profitable for the State. But did you know that these new kind of controllers have specific habits? Indeed, according to an official document from the data.gouv.fr site, consulted by the specialized media Autoplus, privatized radar cars carry out checks at higher intensity on certain days of the week. There is one day in particular which is privileged, and it is Friday.

According to the document in question, a peak of 1.8 million checks is recorded on Friday, followed by Thursday with 1.12 million checks. Knowing that in 2021, 6.65 million checks were carried out using only 170 vehicles. On the other hand, their activity tends to be much less important during weekends. Furthermore, generally, it is on roads limited to 80 or 90 km/h that your driving is most likely to be monitored by these new on-board radars.
