If you have a child going to school, be careful! If you are doing this for your health, you are wrong!

If you have a child going to school be careful

After the schools opened, statements began to come from experts one after another. Dietician Gizem Gençyürek Yılmaz, stating that malnutrition causes learning difficulties, made a striking warning.


The expert stated that teaching healthy eating habits to school-age children prevents the risk of obesity. In addition to contributing to the development of children, this will also minimize the risks of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension in the future.



Experts emphasize that most of the eating habits are acquired during school age.

Yılmaz made the following statements in his statement on the subject:

“Being an example to your children by eating healthy, prioritizing sleep and not allowing them to skip breakfast, examining canteens and dining halls when choosing a school, and giving children the habit of eating vegetables is very important for their development.

Since children are not conscious about nutrition, they want to eat what they want, not what they need. In this case, families have a lot of work to do. Healthy and proper eating habits acquired since school age have a positive effect on a person’s academic success. “Research shows that children with unbalanced nutrition have shortened attention spans and difficulties in learning.”


The expert emphasized that children have difficulty adapting to this situation after the summer holiday, and that parents should first act patiently during this period.



The expert explained the prohibited foods and the foods that should be put in the lunch box:

“Make sure to have food/drinks from every food group. Include vegetables and fruits according to the season. Add nuts, which are sources of healthy fats, for energy needs. The period between the ages of 7 and 14 is when the fastest height growth occurs. Children in this period are taller than other age groups.” They need more calcium, so be sure to include dairy products in their diet.

Instead of ready-made fruit juices or lemonade, prefer juices or milk that we squeeze at home. Do not buy ready-made products such as cakes and pastries, prepare them at home with whole wheat flour. If he doesn’t have breakfast at home, you can have a whole wheat sandwich with cheese, toast and homemade fruit juice. If you are preparing lunch at home, put a whole wheat sandwich with chicken and vegetables and buttermilk in the bag. For snacks, fresh seasonal fruit and nuts such as raw almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts can be preferred, or homemade cake and milk can be a nice snack choice.”
