What is GPT-4o, how to use GPT-4o? Is GPT-4o free?

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The abbreviation GPT, created from the initials of an English expression in its original language, is the abbreviation of Generative Pretrained Transformer. It is an artificial intelligence model included and used in the field of natural language processing. GPT is a pre-trained model and it is being improved day by day and new models are being created.

What is GPT-4o?

In its shortest definition, GPT-4o is the name of a new and major language model. This model powers the ChatGPT chat tool, which can be used both by phone via applications and from desktop computers. The capabilities of this bot come from this developed model.

OpenAI GPT-4o was introduced as a new version by OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, also known as artificial intelligence chat robot. GPT-4o is OpenAI’s new flagship model that can perform real-time reasoning over voice, image and text. The letter “o” at the end of GPT-4o, which is an artificial intelligence technology that has been offered and started to be used with various features, means “omni”.

GPT-4o, which can be described as one of the improved models of artificial intelligence, is a special upper model that also has the feature of simultaneous translation. It can translate different languages ​​live and instantly. It can also create various interactions between texts and images.

GPT-4o also has the ability to process all inputs and outputs through a single neural network. While 3 different neural networks were required in previous models, in this version a single network is sufficient.

How to use GPT-4o?

GPT-4o, one of the top models of the ChatGPT system, has different and superior features than its previous version, GPT 3.5. It is up to 2 times faster than its previous model and is reported to have better performance.

Voice, text and images are understood much easier and faster in this version, and accordingly, content can be produced much faster than in the previous version. GPT-4o, offered and promoted free of charge, was launched as an embedded and multi-model AI model.

Is GPT-4o free?

According to the information shared by Mira Murati from OpenAI, it is stated that GPT-4o will be free for all users. It is stated that paid users will have 5 times the capacity limit.
