a collective demands compensation for political events between 2021 and 2024

a collective demands compensation for political events between 2021 and

In Senegal, a collective has emerged and aims to support the government in compensating victims of political events that took place between 2021 and 2024, particularly economic actors. At the end of April, President Bassirou Diomaye Faye asked his government to set up a compensation commission.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Dakar, Juliette Dubois

28 associations have united within CV21-24. They represent corporations of the Senegal such as traders, motorcycle drivers Jakarta, or even artisans.

Some of the members lost their jobs, others a large part of their turnover

The collective offers help to the government to identify the victims. “ We will list, they will tell us what they lost. We will even ask for evidence and it will be filtered before the file is placed on the government table. »

Mamadou Diarra is an entrepreneur in agriculture, he sells millet and peanuts. It has been strongly affected since 2021: “ What happened with the protests? The borders have closed. The roads were closed off. Our products could not be transported. And there was a huge loss that happened. »

If he has documents to prove his losses, the challenge for compensating economic actors will arise at the level of the informal sector. The government will then have to propose a scale system. “ The State must have compensation scales. Whatever the conditions, it will be a negotiation between the State and the victims to have a good scale so that everyone can receive. »

People injured or relatives of victims who died during the protests should also be compensated by the state. On the other hand, those responsible will not be judged, because an amnesty law was passed in March 2024.

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