How to stretch the lower back?

How to stretch the lower back

Whether acute or chronic, lower back pain significantly affects the quality of life. Certain stretches are very effective in relieving them. How to do ? What precautions to take? Answers and advice from Dr Marc Rozenblat, sports doctor.

Several exercises allow stretch on its own and relieve lower back pain. The simplest and most effective is to bend the knees to the chest. “Lie on your back and bring your knees up to chest level. A slight tension should be felt in the lower back. Hold this position for a minute while exhaling deeply. Return to the initial position and repeat the exercise three to five times”, explains Dr. Marc Rozenblat, sports doctor. This exercise stretches the muscles that allow the erection of the lumbar spine. Another interesting variant to work the oblique muscles, stretching in tension. Lying on your back, arms crossed, hug your knees bent against each other then tilt them to one side while turning your head to the opposite side. Hold the position for 30 seconds and do the same on the other side.

What exercise to stretch your lumbar standing?

Standing, legs shoulder width apart, lean forward gently until you feel a slight tension in your lower back. Be careful, stretching should not be painful, you would hurt yourself. Hold the position for a few seconds then release.

What exercise to stretch your seated lower back?

“Sitting on a chair, place the left leg on the right leg, resting your right hand on your left knee. Pivot to the left side, making sure to keep your back straight and your buttocks resting on the chair. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then do the same on the other side“, advises the specialist.

What about lumbar self-stretching devices?

“Lumbar self-stretching devices allowing spinal decompression are extremely dangerous because if they are badly used (too quickly, too long), they have deleterious effects on the spine. It is better to think about constantly growing taller to stretch the lower back muscles. You should know that, contrary to what one might think, the evolution and growth of the bones of our spine takes place from birth to death. We all have spiny processes in the back that are constantly growing. So it sometimes happens that they touch each other and you can’t straighten up anymore.“, argues the sports doctor.

What are the risks and precautions to take?

The lumbar muscles are antagonists of the abdominal muscles so if we work the abdominals without strengthening the back, the lumbar muscles will contract, what will lead to lower back pain. “It is therefore necessary to avoid going to extreme amplitudes when doing muscle building and not indulging in heavy lifting too early in life. Stretching or muscle strengthening, whatever it is, should never be painful, in which case it would be counterproductive. In other words, there is no question of forcing”warns the specialist.

When to consult a physio?

It is recommended to consult a physiotherapist on medical advice when lower back pain persists for more than six weeks and that they impede mobility. Physiotherapy sessions on medical prescription are reimbursed by social security.

Thank you to Dr. Marc Rozenblat, sports doctor, President of the National Union of Sports-Health Doctors and of the French Society of Orthopedic Manual Medicine and Medical Osteopathy.
