How to prepare for Wrath of the Lich King

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Wrath of the Lich King is coming to World of Warcraft Classic on September 27, 2022. The addon is the new edition of the legendary WoW expansion from 2008, which many fans still regard as the pinnacle of the MMORPG.

In WotLK, the maximum level increases to 80 and below level 68 you don’t even have to start in Northrend. In order for you to be optimally prepared, some preparation is required.

5 tips on how to best prepare for the Lich King

In the following paragraphs you will find all sorts of advice and tips that you can use to quickly and effectively prepare for the adventures in Wrath of the Lich King.

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Tip 1 – Get Main to level 70

In The Burning Crusade, the max level increased to 70. That put you at the top of the addon, but in Wrath of the Lich King there are another 10 levels and the level cap increases to 80. The areas in Northrend are also designed to that you should have reached at least level 68. Below that you can’t even accept quests.

So that you can start right away with the release of Wrath of the Lich King in Northrend on September 27th, you should make sure that at least your main character arrives at the provisional maximum level.

Raise your heroes, you need at least level 68!

This will ensure that you are prepared for everything and that you can get to know the new areas appropriately. If you have the extra time, make sure to pull up your most important alts as well, who knows if your healer or off-tank might still come in handy after all?

On top of that, the other preparations presented here work better if you tackle them with a max-level hero. Good methods to level up fast are repeatedly running dungeons or simply completing quests.

If you want some variety, you can also try your hand at PvP. Especially the “Call to Arms: Alterac Valley” offers good opportunities for leveling.

Special offer: Incidentally, if you’re only now getting into WoW Classic or you don’t want to laboriously grind together the right equipment and the necessary level for Wrath of the Lich King, then take advantage of a special offer from Blizzard and secure special upgrade packages. So you get, among other things, a character at level 70, suitable equipment, gold and special items.

Tip 2 – Upgrade bags

There’s tons of new loot to be found in The Wrath of the Lich King. And nobody wants to run back in the middle of an exciting quest line or a tricky dungeon because their pockets are overflowing with valuable stuff.

So if you’re still using WoW Classic bags, you should look for upgrades for your storage space. At least four larger bags for your main character are actually mandatory. You can then optionally get up to seven additional bag upgrades for the bank slots.

Click here for the WoW Classic page!

With more storage space at your disposal, exploring Northrend is much more fun. However, in order to smartly pimp the pockets (and for much more), you need money. And you will soon find out how you get there.

Tip 3 – Farm gold

Gold is always useful and you need a lot of it at the start of WotLK. There are tons of things you need gold for. Here some examples:

  • Cold Weather Flight: 1,000 gold
  • Dual Talent Specialization: 1,000 gold
  • Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth (A mount that can trade and repair): 16,000 Gold!
  • You can never have enough gold in WotLK.

    So you should have a decent financial cushion on the high edge when the Lich King starts up again. There are a few useful ways to do this:

  • Run the old dungeons. It’s quick and you always get a good amount of gold.
  • Complete daily quests with as many heroes as possible. So you can farm a decent amount of gold every day. You also get reputation and with that you get decent equipment.
  • Sells crafting materials. If you have resources left for crafting – especially ores and herbs – it’s a good time to get rid of them now that many players are leveling up their crafting, especially the new profession of Inscription.
  • Tip 4 – Level up professions

    Make sure to use the pre-patch time to max out your crafting professions. Your mains in particular should each have two manufacturing professions, as these are very important in WotLK. The manufacturing professions grant you special advantages that you should definitely take with you.

    Blacksmiths have it good in WotLK.

    For example, blacksmiths get special sockets for gloves and bracers. Also note that there is an entirely new profession called “Inscription” which will craft glyphs, among other things.

    Gathering professions, on the other hand, let your twinks take over. Druids are well suited to this because of their flight and travel forms. However, your main should be fully dedicated to crafting.

    Tip 5 – Get unique things from the pre-patch

    World of Warcraft Classic is in “pre-patch” until Wrath of the Lich King launches on September 27, 2022. This ends the previous addon “The Burning Crusade” and there is an interim period in which the events surrounding the return of the Lich King are initiated.

    You only have a little time left to get special items from the pre-patch.

    Those who were there back then can look forward to seeing the undead plague and the Scourge invasion again. In addition to the new stories and quests, there are also a number of items in the pre-patch period that will no longer be available when WotLK starts. So make sure you pick up the following items before September 27th:

    Arcanite Ripper: An ax with a unique design. The thing looks like a rough heavy metal guitar that you can even play. You get the thing from Prince Tenris Mirkblood in the Karazhan raid.

    Blessed Combat Armor of Undead Slaying: This is a set of four pieces of plate armor. These have a special color scheme that has never been seen again in the game in this form. As such, the set is highly sought after by fans of transmogrification (which will come in Cataclysm). So make sure you pick up the set while it’s still available. You can get the set during the Undead Invasion in the pre-patch.

    Vampire Bats: This cool pet will also soon be gone. So if you want a cute little bat that will even drink your blood every now and then, get it from the cold, dead hands of Prince Tenris Mirkblood in the Karazhan Raid.

    So much for our tips and advice on what to do before the start of Wrath of the Lich King. Good reasons to return to the start of WoTLK in WoW Classic can be found here.
