How to consume barley, how to eat barley paste? How to boil barley, what are the benefits?

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One of the most grown cereals in our country is barley. Apart from Turkey, it is frequently grown and consumed in America, France and Germany. Because it contains high fiber, it has different benefits than other grain products. Barley is a grain that can be consumed in many ways. It can be used in different pastries by turning it into flour. It can also be made from barley broth, barley paste and barley porridge. It is a grain product that can be consumed both as food and drink. It is also extremely valuable from an economic point of view.

How is barley consumed?

Barley, which is one of the healthiest cereal products, can be cooked and consumed alone. It can also be added to dishes such as rice, soup, drinks or salads by boiling or roasting. It is known to be beneficial in skin diseases when combined with vinegar. Flour made from barley is also used in many pastries. Barley is a grain product from which tea is also made. It strengthens the immune system, especially in cold winter days, making the body more resistant to diseases. Some people prefer to consume barley by adding it to coffee. As it can be used in daily meals, barley paste can also be made. How to consume barley varies according to taste.

How is barley boiled?

Barley can also be consumed by boiling. There is no specific technique specified for this. Barley measured according to how many servings will be prepared is added to the pot. 1.5 cups of water is poured on it and it can be used by boiling in this way. Boiled barley grains can be added to salads. Barley water is also water with many benefits. If barley water is consumed regularly, it is good for the kidneys to work, as well as for the melting and falling of kidney stones. It is good for urinary tract disorders and can prevent urinary tract infections.

How to eat barley paste?

Barley, which is added to the diet programs of people who want to lose weight, is mostly consumed in the form of mash. It is eaten by adding dried fruits and milk to barley paste, which can be purchased ready-made. Barley flour can be consumed like oats.

How is barley boiled?

According to taste or preference, barley can be consumed by boiling. To prepare boiled barley, thoroughly washed and cleaned barley should be kept in water for a few hours. This process allows the barley to be boiled in a shorter time. Barley, which is kept in water for a few hours, is taken into a pot and boiled for about an hour. The boiled barley obtained can be consumed with some selected spices or with yoghurt. It can also be used in salads or soups. The water of the boiled barley is also consumed.

How is barley water prepared?

The juice of barley, which can be prepared and consumed in many different forms, can also be drunk. Depending on how much it will be prepared, the dimensions may change. Wash the barley thoroughly, up to about a glass of water. Put the washed barley in a bowl, add enough water to cover it and leave the barley in water for 2 hours. This will soften the barley and make it easier to boil. Drain the barley you have rested for 2 hours and rinse it again. Put the barley in a saucepan, add one, one and a half glasses of water to it, turn on the fire and leave the barley to boil.

After the barley is boiled, the barley grains can be added to salads or mixed into yogurt and eaten. After separating the grains with the help of a strainer, you can consume the barley water directly after it has cooled.

What are the benefits of barley?

Barley, which is among the grain products with the richest content, provides various benefits no matter what form it is consumed. Some of the known benefits of barley, which is believed to prolong life among the people, can be listed as follows:

  • It is a food that supports those who shed kidney stones or kidney sand.
  • It is known to have diuretic properties.
  • It is good for headaches and migraine attacks.
  • It protects the body against bad cholesterol.
  • It helps people with intestinal problems.
  • It is known to balance blood sugar.
  • It contains a high amount of fiber, so it has the feature of keeping it full for a long time.

As with any food, barley can cause some side effects when consumed more than the recommended amount. Expectant mothers, people with chronic diseases, those who are in the treatment process of a serious illness or people with an allergic body should be more careful. It would be more appropriate to use it based on the doctor’s advice or recommendation. Otherwise, different side effects may occur for different bodies:

  • It can disrupt the intestines.
  • May cause gas pains.
  • May cause rectal bleeding.
  • Excessive consumption can cause celiac disease.
  • May cause some allergic conditions. (Skin redness, itching, etc.)
