How to achieve a good recruitment process?

How to achieve a good recruitment process

It is the human component that is the heart of any business. Therefore, in order to attract the best talent, companies today must consider new techniques to improve their recruiting process. In this article, find our tips for achieving a good recruitment process within a company.

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Nowadays, companies strive to remain attractive with advanced technologies. Indeed, having a good recruitment process brings advantages: the employer can, with the help of an additional person, free up time that can be devoted to other tasks in the company, and thus increase his turnover. business and its margin. In addition, the recruitment is proof that the company is stable and growing.

Recruitment is the stage that marks the end of the selection process. The most obvious objective of a selection process is to recruit staff. The profile of the successful candidate should match the values ​​and needs of the organization, and the requirements of the vacant position itself.

Below, find some keys to achieve a good process of recruitment within your company.

What are the steps in a good recruitment process?

A recruitment process consists of several stages, organized chronologically. They are all important, but the most essential is the interview stage, which selects the people who seem most suitable for the organization.

The main steps in the process are as follows:

Description of the job offer

Communicate the profile of the professional you are looking for, with details such as skills, training, behavioral characteristics and compensation.

Vacancy notice

Post the job description on channels candidates use, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, in the “Employment” section of your company’s website, or at agencies specializing in recruitment.

CV review

Filter them CV that are irrelevant or not suited to business objectives. Select a maximum of ten CVs to go to the next step.

First contact by phone

Make an initial contact to check the candidate’s availability, check their skills and gauge their interest in the vacant position.

Maintenance schedule

The meeting can take place face to face or by online videoconferencing and may be carried out by a technical manager or an HR member, depending on the culture and size of the company.


This step consists of verifying the skills and qualifications required for the job, for example by using assessments of specific knowledge, language exams or psychological tests.

Communicate your decision

After going through all the steps and choosing the best candidate, it is important to notify the unsuccessful people. It is important to send at least one email to those who participated in the process but were not approved, thanking them for their interest in the company. Keeping them informed is essential, as it is a form of respect for the person who has invested their time and energy in the process.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the recruitment process should be as short as possible. Indeed, the faster the process, the less risk there is of losing candidates along the way. Many companies take unnecessary steps in their hiring process, or take a long time between one step and the next, causing applicants to give up or find another job in the meantime.

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