How Monkey Flower Spread Raises Mutation Concern

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After the Corona virus, the whole world is closely following the monkeypox virus, which has started to spread in many countries. Known to be endemic in the African continent, the virus has been seen in more than 30 countries in America and most of Europe. Monkeypox, which is in the same family as the virus that causes smallpox, is mild and experts do not see the possibility of a pandemic for now. However, the virus is seen in people who have not traveled to Africa or come into contact with a carrier animal, and the risk of mutation is cause for concern.

Monkeypox virus has been seen in 600 people from at least 30 countries since the beginning of May. The recorded cases were announced by the World Health Organization.

Mike Ryan, Head of the World Health Organization’s Emergency Programme, said, “There are thousands of cases of monkeypox every year in Africa and there are deaths every year. Our current concern is real. We are worried about this disease spreading in Europe. We have had a similar level of concern in the last 5 or 10 years. “I definitely hadn’t seen it,” he said.

The disease caused by monkeypox was first described by experts in 1958. At that time, two smallpox-like outbreaks had occurred among the monkeys used in the experiments.

The first human case of monkeypox was in a 9-year-old boy in a remote area of ​​Congo in 1970.

Today, most cases have emerged in Europe, not linked to travel to Africa, rather than in Central and West African countries where the virus is endemic.

Since the disease has been followed for 60 years, there is no obscurity as in the Corona virus. Although it is from the same family as the virus that causes smallpox, its symptoms are milder.

“It usually starts with a fever and headache. Patients feel bad and tired. The lymph nodes may swell. Then the typical rash develops on the skin, which is in the form of pus-filled sacs and blisters, which are usually contagious,” says Jimmy Whitworth, International Professor of Public Health.

The virus can be spread by close contact with infected people, through bodily fluids, and by contact with items such as clothes, quilts or sheets contaminated with these fluids.

There are no previous recorded cases of monkeypox being sexually transmitted. However, it is being investigated that a significant portion of the latest cases are seen in men who have had homosexual relationships.

Professor of Infectious Diseases David Heymann said: “The reason we are seeing these cases is because the virus has found a way to transmit strongly. Because groups that are in close physical contact with each other or have highly non-selective intercourse have a higher chance of spreading the virus from one to the other, which accelerates transmission. is happening,” he says.

The incubation period can last from five days to three weeks. Most patients recover within two to four weeks without the need for hospital treatment. The disease can be more severe in children.

The Congo strain, which causes more severe disease, carries a 10 percent risk of death. The risk of death of the West African strain is 1%.

So why now? One possible scenario is the increase in travel as the Corona virus pandemic restrictions are lifted. But in some cases, with no travel connectivity, experts are investigating the cause of this unusual spread.

The question is whether monkeypox mutates to become more contagious or dangerous. According to the World Health Organization, the virus is not prone to change.

“With its current characteristics, the virus mutates much more slowly than RNA viruses. There is not much information at the moment about what the genetic sequences of the virus in the epidemic in many countries tell us,” says Rosamund Lewis, Head of the Smallpox Unit of the World Health Organization.

The organization and many experts do not see the possibility of the epidemic turning into a global pandemic like Corona.

Johns Hopkins University’s Dr. Amesh Adalia said, “Public health institutions around the world take this very seriously and are taking the right steps. It’s important to remember that monkeypox outbreaks are not new. What’s different is that it’s transmitted from person to person with no travel history. “But the principles of finding, isolating, and strategically using smallpox vaccine to stop the spread of these cases are the same, and all this is being done now.”

According to the World Health Organization, data reveal that the vaccines used to eradicate smallpox are also 85% effective against the monkeypox virus.

Some countries, including the United States, have large stocks of smallpox vaccines as part of pandemic preparations and have begun to offer these vaccines to the public.
