Hogwarts Legacy Arachnophobia mod

Hogwarts Legacy Arachnophobia mod

Hogwarts Legacy Arachnophobia mod for Avalanche Software’s game is included in the game with the new patch.

The game, which was released after suffering from the popular mistakes of the last period, doubled the turnover of Warner Bros. For the production, which is among the biggest games of recent times with a total turnover of 1 billion dollars. Hogwarts Legacy Arachnophobia mod It is included in the game with the new patch.

Hogwarts Legacy Arachnophobia mod will be included in the game with a patch

Arachnophobia Mode, which will come with the new update, seems to be a cure for those who are afraid of encountering spiders in the game. In addition, with the update, there are some adjustments such as performance improvements, bug fixes and the solution of Hogwarts Legacy’s crash problems.

The features of the mod described in the patch notes are as follows:

  • Changes all enemy spider skins
  • Reduces and eliminates spider jumps and screams
  • Small spider ground effect removes spawners
  • Makes static spider corpses in the world invisible

Avalanche Software, which has been sensitive to spiders since the game was first released, has taken another step against spider-sensitive players with this patch, aiming to enable them to play the game more comfortably.

In addition, with the new patch, many other adjustments have been made to the game. Hogwarts Legacy all patch notes Warner Bros. GamesYou can read it on the page.
