Hitachi Rail and Mer Mec sign put option agreement for the sale of the signaling business

Hitachi Rail and Mer Mec sign put option agreement for

(Finance) – Hitachi Rail and Mer Mec they signed an agreement ‘put options‘ for the sale of Hitachi Rail’s mainline signaling business in France and its German and UK signaling businesses. Last October, we read in a note, the European Commission and the British Authority competition and market guarantor (Cma) have approved the acquisition of Thales Gts by Hitachi Rail, on the condition that Hitachi Rail divest its mainline signaling operations in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The put option agreement with Mer Mec is a step forward regarding the compliance requirements established by the antitrust authorities to conclude the acquisition of Thales GTS by Hitachi Rail.

“The agreement is aimed at satisfying a fundamental requirement towards European and British regulatory authorities and represents a decisive step for the acquisition of Thales GTS – comments Giuseppe Marino, Group CEO of Hitachi Rail -. This solution will guarantee a long-term future for the activities involved”. “We are certain that the synergies that will be created with the Mer Mec Group, led by CEO Luca Necchi Ghiri, will further increase our competitive advantage, strengthening Mer Mec’s presence at a global level. worldwide,” he adds Vito Pertosa, president of the Mer Mec Group and Angel Holding.
