Here’s How Many Times Parents Lose Their Children Before Age 10

Heres How Many Times Parents Lose Their Children Before Age

Losing your child out of sight happens more often than you might think. On average, do you know how often this type of situation occurs? Response and advice.

In a supermarket, a store, at the park or during an event, parents sometimes lose sight of their child, for a few seconds or what seems like long minutes. For parents, there is nothing worse as an experience than lose your child in a public place. Fear and all possible scenarios grip you in moments. And contrary to what you might think, it happens more frequently than you think.

What to do when you lose sight of your child?

Based on the advice of parenting expert Rachel Fitz-Desorgher, reported by our colleagues at Huffington Post Ukparents should prepare their child for what to do if they ever get lost in a public place. Before entering a crowded place, such as a mall, you can agree with your child on a place where he can wait for you in case he gets lost. For example, the reception of the shopping center or in front of the toilets of the establishment.

The specialist also recommends that parents‘learn their child to seek help from strangers in public places. Of course, these people must inspire them with confidence (a family with children, a group of young people, a saleswoman in a store that the child knows, a security guard, a policeman, etc.). If you have your habits in certain stores, you can also tell your child which merchant he can turn to in case of danger.

A child is lost on average 5 times by his parents

According to a study by Nickelodeon’s Nick Watch brand, relayed by the media Huffington Post UK, parents lose their child on average five times before the age of 10. In most cases, children would leave of their own free will: two in five parents (41%) said their child had left alone without their knowledge. But what is worrying is that 20% of parents surveyed also indicated that their child had left with a stranger without their knowledge.
