Hemorrhoidal thrombosis: how to get rid of it?

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis how to get rid of it

Certain pathologies, called benign, have the ability to ruin daily life even if in most cases they evolve towards spontaneous recovery. This is the case with hemorrhoidal thrombosis, an acute manifestation of a hemorrhoidal crisis since a clot forms in a vein in the anal region. Rarely dangerous, this pathology is embarrassing, even painful, and the treatments offered, if they relieve the crisis, remain punctual.

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The hemorrhoidal crisis is a very common affection in France. It is generally accepted that one in two adults over the age of 50 has an episode at least once a year. It can be complicated by the appearance of swelling related to a small mass of clotted blood in the vein. This clot triggers a set of signs such as pain long live itching oozing, burns or even bleeding. It’s here thrombosis hemorrhoidal.

Even if this pathology remains without risk ofhemorrhage or clot migration, it is nonetheless extremely painful for people who suffer from it.

Factors that trigger hemorrhoidal thrombosis

The most common causes of hemorrhoidal thrombosis are:

  • lifestyle factors such as stimulants (alcohol, coffee), spices, travel, violent sports, stress, occupations leading to heavy loads;
  • digestive problems involving: intestinal transit (constipation, diarrhea), the liver.
  • also in women: the pregnancy, L’childbirth.

Treatments for hemorrhoidal thrombosis

Depending on the nature and importance of the signs, the doctor will suggest different treatments aimed at relieving the crisis such as laxatives (which prevent constipation), local treatments in the form of creams or suppositories which have anesthetic, lubricating and anti-inflammatory, often accompanied by analgesics.

So-called drugs venotonic, to improve venous flow, can also be offered over a short duration.

In the case of’internal hemorrhoids and if the disorders persist, there are endoscopic treatments which are carried out in consultation, without anesthesia. They make it possible to obtain a scar area which strengthens the support of the veins concerned. The applied methods call upon techniques of ligatures, sclerosing injection, cryotherapy or electrocoagulation. Sometimes an excision or incision is necessary to evacuate the clot.

The effectiveness of these treatments wears off over time and do not prevent recurrences.

The radical solution remains the surgery, which is offered in the event of failure of instrumental treatments but also to very embarrassed people asking for a more definitive solution. The hemorrhoids are then removed (hemorrhoidectomy). Other surgical techniques exist aimed at raising and suturing hemorrhoids in the anal canal or at burning them by radiofrequency.

Can we avoid a hemorrhoidal crisis?

Even if the natural evolution goes towards a resorption spontaneous after a few days, there is, strictly speaking, no preventive treatment. It will therefore be necessary to try to minimize the triggering factors by respecting hygieno-dietetic rules. It is advisable to avoid constipation by favoring a high fiber diet, by practicing a moderate sporting activity and by promoting a good hydration of the body.

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