Heated conflict of faith in the capital: “Obviously gender discriminatory”

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A woman’s back on the back of the buses in Stockholm’s local traffic is currently rolling around the capital. It is an advertisement for panties and the advertisement has been reported by Sweden’s women’s organisations. – It is clearly gender discriminatory and reinforces stereotypes about women and men and then it uses a woman’s body in a sexualized way to draw attention to itself, says Clara Berglund, secretary general of Sweden’s women’s organizations. But at the underwear company that the pictures are advertising for, even in poster form along the sidewalks, they believe that it is just the opposite. – The whole point of this campaign is to show a breadth of different bodies, ages, ethnicities and different butts: bumpy, smooth, big, small to show that all butts are perfect no matter who they are. We have received an enormously good response and really feel that we have succeeded with this campaign, says Maria Lager, marketing manager at Understatement. In the player above: See both sides’ arguments for and against the attention-grabbing ad.
