Heartland virus causing multi-organ failure strikes fear

Heartland virus causing multi organ failure strikes fear

There are dozens or even hundreds of different diseases that you can catch after being bitten by a tick around the world. A new one has been added to these. The Heartland virus, which was first discovered in the US state of Missouri in 2009, was revealed to be transmitted to humans from ticks in 2013. The virus, which made its way from Missouri to Tennessee and then Oklahoma, is now spreading very rapidly in the state of Georgina.


Studies show that one out of every 2,000 ticks is currently carrying the virus. Although the exact number of infected patients is not known, it has been reported that one person died from the Heartland virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the symptoms of the virus are flu-like symptoms such as fever, weakness, nausea and muscle pain.

There are no drugs or vaccines that are effective against the Heartland virus. Experts warn that people living in those areas should use insect repellent and check themselves at home after spending time outside.
