Hear Jomshof (SD) and Shekarabi (S) debate gang violence

Richard Jomshof (SD), chairman of the justice committee, calls gang violence an “imported problem” and believes that previous governments did not do enough to prevent it.

– I want to demand responsibility from previous governments, not least the Social Democrats. In order to solve the problems, we have to understand how they have arisen, he says in SVT’s Aktuellt.

Ardalan Shekarabi (S), vice-chairman of the justice committee, points out that many of the young people who commit crimes are born in Sweden, and says he wants to see cooperation between all parties and experts to find interventions that have an effect as soon as possible.

– Let the Swedish left listen to the Swedish right, and the Swedish right to the Swedish left. And let go of all this prestige that brought us into this, division will never lead to a better situation, he says.

The entire debate from Tuesday’s Current Affairs can be seen here.
