He interpreted it as ‘challenge’! Cold war message from the USA

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that they should work with Beijing to solve global problems, but that they are determined to protect the international system in the face of the increasing aggression of the Chinese administration, “We are not after conflict or a new cold war, on the contrary, we are determined to avoid them.” said.

US Secretary of State Blinken evaluated the Joe Biden administration’s policies towards China and the Russia-Ukraine war at a panel held in Washington.


Describing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine as “an attack on the international order”, Blinken noted that they do not accept these attacks on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in any way, and that they will continue to defend these basic principles within the international order.

Emphasizing that the USA is not seeking a new cold war with China or any other country, Blinken said, “We are careful about the most serious long-term challenge posed by China against the international order. It is the only country that has the power to do so diplomatically, militarily and technologically.” said.


Referring to the medium-term vision of the USA in its relations with China, Blinken said, “As President Biden stated, this decade will be decisive for the years to come. The steps we will take at home and abroad will determine our situation in the near future. Therefore, our vision is as follows: It can be summed up in one word: invest, form alliances and compete.” he said.

Blinken continued:

“The United States and China should engage in (solving problems) for the foreseeable future. This is why our relationship with China is the most complex and most productive at the moment. We are not seeking conflict or a new cold war, but rather we are determined to avoid them. We are not trying to hinder or stop China’s role as a great power, but we will continue to defend international law, principles and institutions.”


Expressing that their position on Taiwan’s security has not changed, Blinken said, “The US’s approach on this issue has been consistent for many years. We do not recognize Taiwan as an independent country. As President Biden expressed, the US is committed to the ‘One China’ policy. will remain.” made its assessment.

Underlining that Beijing is integrated into the global economy, Blinken stated that there are serious inequalities in some areas in the commercial processes between the USA and China, and that Chinese manufacturers have very easy access to the American market.

Reminding that the US sees China’s actions against the Uyghur Turks in Xinjiang as “genocide” and “crimes against humanity”, Blinken said that they will continue to voice their objections on this issue. Blinken also criticized China’s policies in Tibet and Hong Kong.

Reminding that they gave education visas to more than 100 thousand Chinese students last year despite the epidemic process, Blinken stated that 80 percent of Chinese students who had a doctorate in science and technology in the USA chose to stay in the USA. (AA)
