Hated jungler is played again in the American professional league after 7 years and wins the match

There are champions in League of Legends that you rarely see in the professional league because their kit is designed more for solo play. The jungler River was currently playing a champion that had not been seen in the American LCS for 7 years.

Shaco is a hated champion in the LoL community. His Q ability makes him incredibly annoying, which is why he is often banned. A German YouTuber even became known as a toxic player with just Shaco. But it is hardly present in the professional sector.

Despite being released in 2009, Shaco has only been played 45 times, according to Games of Legends. Last year he was played 6 times in all leagues, of which he lost 4 times.

In the LCS, the American professional league, it was last played twice by player Moon in 2017. He lost both matches. However, on March 10th, the teams NRG Esports and 100 Thieves played against each other. River, the jungler from 100 Thieves, surprised in this match with a Shaco pick.

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River initiated an important teamfight

In the pick-and-ban phase, River Shaco picked in after the opposing team had already picked all of their champions. NRG Esports’ jungler was Ivern. If you look at the YouTube video of the match, the commentators are also shocked about the pick.

Despite Shaco’s unusual pick, 100 Thieves won against NRG Esports. Although Shaco didn’t have the obvious impact in the game with a KDA of 1/2/8. From minute 21:50, River initiated a nice teamfight in the opposing jungle.

He invades the Ivern and, together with the Veigar, lures the opposing team into the jungle. The 100 Thieves team then follows the enemy team, allowing individual kills to be made. As a result of this fight, Nautilus, Corki and Ivern from NRG Esports died and the 100 Thieves team was able to go to the Baron without any problems, where the Topplaner Sniper was able to kill the enemy Renekton with his Olaf.

Although the Baron was not made immediately afterwards, 100 Thieves had a gold lead of 4000 after this fight. Shortly afterwards the Baron was made by 100 Thieves and the game was basically over.

Despite the win, it’s very unlikely we’ll see Shaco in more professional matches. In 2024 it is just the 2nd Shaco pick. Due to his kit, he is simply not made for coordinated matches in the professional sector, but he is still an exciting pick. In addition to Shaco, there are many other hated champions in League of Legends that some people would like to have deleted. This also includes Yuumi, but one player thinks that this champion should not disappear under any circumstances.
