Guide: How to play padel like a pro

Understand the basics of the game

Padel is a game that has its roots in tennis, but has unique elements that make it a sport all its own. Instead of a round court, padel is played in a rectangular arena surrounded by glass walls. The goal of the game is to send the ball over the net to the opponent’s side without it bouncing more than once on the ground or more than once on the walls.

How to hit the ball

How you hit the ball is decisive for whether you will be successful in padel. The basic thing to remember is that the ball should be hit without spin, just like in tennis. You do this by having the center of the club on the ball at impact, and holding the racket as straight as possible.

Positioning on the track

Positioning on the court is important to be able to receive balls from the opponents in the best way. You should primarily try to be close to the net in order to put pressure on the opponents, but at the same time be prepared to run backwards to pick up balls that are hit far back.

The game at the net

The game at the net is crucial in padel. From here, you have the best opportunity to put pressure on your opponents and decide the duel. The best way to gain an advantage is to try to catch the ball on the volley, ie. before it bounces. By controlling the game in this way, you can force the opponent to move and make mistakes.

Defensive play and recovery

To become a successful padel player, you need to develop your ability to defend yourself and recover. This means that you must be able to receive the opponent’s attacks and prevent them from scoring. It also means that you must be able to recover quickly from a failed strike, and be ready to return to a defensive position.

Avnazert tactics and strategy

Once you have mastered the basic elements of padel, you can start looking at more advanced tactics and strategy. These include using the walls to set up balls, driving opponents away from the net by hitting deep balls, and using smart breaks to prevent opponents from making a good shot.

Build up your physical fitness

Padel is a very physical sport, and being in good physical condition is essential for success. Exercise your fitness by running, cycling or swimming. Strength training can also help you improve your ability to hit strong balls and to endure long matches. By taking these tips, you can start your journey to become a successful padel player and maybe even play padel like a pro. Remember that the most important thing is to have fun. Good luck!

common questions

How many players in each team?

Padel is usually played with two players in each team. It can be a man and a woman, or two men or two women.

How many sets do you play?

Normally you play the best of three sets in padel. This means that whoever wins two sets first wins the match.

What happens if the ball goes out of bounds?

If the ball goes out of bounds, that team loses the point. Play then resumes from where the ball was last played.

What happens if the ball hits the glass wall before it bounces on the ground?

If the ball hits the glass wall before bouncing on the ground, play is allowed to continue, just as if the ball had bounced on the ground.

Can you use both sides of the racket?

Yes, in padel you can use both sides of the racket. There is no rule that says you have to use a specific page.

Can you play padel indoors?

Yes, padel can be played both indoors and outdoors. There are special padel halls where you can play all year round regardless of weather conditions.

What type of clothing is best to play padel in?

It is best to play in clothes that are comfortable and allow you freedom of movement. Usually you play in shorts or a skirt and a sporty sweater or t-shirt. Don’t forget a good pair of paddle shoes for extra comfort and stability on the court.

These are some of the common questions people may have about padel. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help you!
