The Swedes find it the most relaxing with their partner

The Swedes find it the most relaxing with their partner

No relationship is completely flawless and it’s easy to get annoyed by little things your partner does. It can be anything from the person being rude to service personnel or having unkempt nails. These are called “icks” and once you spot them, they are hard to ignore.

– In today’s fast dating culture, it is easy to get stuck in a negative spiral where you criticize little ones
details of potential partners instead of appreciating their positive sides. Straight
communication is incredibly important in any relationship, one must dare to express which “bad
habits” one absolutely cannot stand, while one might be able to accept others, to
example that one forgets to close the toilet lid sometimes. No one is perfect, they say Jenny Peura,
communications and marketing manager, Lelo Sweden, in a press release.

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Photo: Pexels

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Two kinds of icks

The “Married at First Sight” expert Frederick Bohm has in a previous interview with News24 explained that there are two types of icks. Of which one is linked to prejudices and the other is due to fears.

– You have to get over that type of “ick” by working with your own prejudices. You easily judge people around you. It’s about getting to know your own prejudices.

He continues:

– There is another type of “ick” which is about real and genuine relationships being dangerous. If I like you very much, I will invest a lot of my life in you. I will build much of my identity around you. If you then deceive or betray me, I will be hurt and it will hurt very much.

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The Swedes’ top 10 icks

Lelo Sweden has done a survey on what the Swedes’ icks are. Here are the Swedes’ top ten icks:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Rude to service staff
  • Is aggressive
  • Unhealthy alcohol habits
  • Is boastful
  • Is stingy
  • Snuff or smoke
  • Talks in a baby voice
  • Doesn’t appeal to me purely in terms of appearance
  • Talking with food in mouth
  • The answers differ slightly between women and men. For example, women find stinginess and unhealthy alcohol habits more of a turn-off than men do. At the same time, men think appearance matters more than women do.

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