CDP, new operations for 1.7 billion. Participate in AuCap Fincantieri

CDP new operations for 17 billion Participate in AuCap Fincantieri

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) has approved new operations for a total value of approximately 1.7 billion euros in favor of large, medium and small Italian companies and for the development of key infrastructures for Italy.

In particular, the Board of Directors gave the green light to the subsidiary CDP Equity to make a subscription commitment in this area of the capital increase proposed by the investee Fincantieri in proportion to the share held, equal to approximately 71.3% of the capital.

Growth of companies in Italy and abroad

The Board of Directors has authorized initiatives to accelerate the investment programs in innovation, research and sustainability of Italian companies active in strategic supply chains. Furthermore, it approved operations aimed at strengthening and growing the size of small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting their access to credit in synergy with other financial institutions and also through alternative finance instruments.

As regards the role of Financial Institution for Development Cooperation, CDP has approved new interventions in favor of businesses in Western Balkansespecially those led by young people and women.

Support for infrastructures and centers of excellence

The Board of Directors has given the green light to financing for the construction andmodernization of strategic infrastructures: in particular, in favor of the energy sector, with regard to increasing the efficiency of plants, the use of renewable sources and the strengthening of water and gas distribution networks. Furthermore, initiatives have been decided to expand access to sustainable mobility and for new state-of-the-art healthcare facilities.

Finally, the Council approved a General Policy aimed at reduce internal environmental impacts of CDP, through the promotion of responsible behavior among its employees and careful management of the environment in the offices, in the use of technologies and in travel during work activities.
