Google Calendar is entitled to a very practical little update to its interface. No need to scroll through every month to find a specific date: new tabs make navigation easier.

Google Calendar is entitled to a very practical little update

Google Calendar is entitled to a very practical little update to its interface. No need to scroll through every month to find a specific date: new tabs make navigation easier.

Like most users with a smartphone running Android, you probably use Google Calendar, which is preinstalled by default on your device. This service from the Internet giant has continued to evolve since its release fourteen years ago, to now offer simple and complete calendar management. Just a few taps of your finger are enough to create personalized calendars containing your professional appointments, family events you have to attend, birthday dates not to be missed, etc. Better yet, you can easily share them with all your contacts. That’s good, a discreet update, which is currently being deployed, provides a better overview in Google Calendar.

Google Calendar: move more quickly from one month to another

Previously, if you touched the name of the month in Google Calendar at the top of the page, you would pull up a calendar giving you an overview of the month, with all the days of the week, marked by a small colored dot if an event is scheduled for that day. To go to a date located a few months later or earlier – to check if you are free, to note a future appointment or to remember past ones for example – you had to scroll the months with your finger towards the left or right repeatedly. Unfortunately, that made you lose a few precious seconds!

Also, Google has made a tiny change. Now, under the daily overview, month tabs have been added. For example, if you are in April and you want to note a birthday party in October, you no longer need to scroll the screen, since you just have to press the tab of the corresponding month to be transported there. And if you plan over several years, simply select the one that interests you by scrolling directly through the horizontal bar. Practical !
