Google and Qualcomm talk about satellite link technology for Android phones

T-Mobile and SpaceX recently met and announced their efforts to end network dead zones using low-orbit satellites. Moreover, appleat least some of which will be introduced on September 7 iPhone 14 models (maybe Pro models) are said to add satellite connectivity for emergency SOS. To make things easier for them, Hiroshi Lockheimer, Senior Vice President of Android and other Google services, has confirmed that the next Android version will have satellite support.

In a tweet, Lockheimer said, “When we launched the G1 in 08, it was crazy to think it was hard to get 3G+Wifi to work. Now we are designing for satellites.” currently on the market Android 13 With, satellite link support is only available on Android 13L (if Google decides to release it) or Android 14.

Adding satellite connection support to the operating system, Big G will make it easier for Android smartphone manufacturers to apply the technology to their phones. At the very least, it should lead to a superior end-user experience.

IFA 2022In , Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon also said that it is working to add satellite communications capabilities to Snapdragon Connect modems. However, there is no clear timeline for when the product will hit the market.

Most companies are looking to satellite connectivity to end network dead zones in rough terrains around the world. It cannot replace traditional mobile network towers as it only has the necessary bandwidth to handle several thousand voice calls and messages simultaneously. It cannot support high-bandwidth mobile data. The connectivity option is to help users in non-network areas reach loved ones and emergency services in times of crisis.
