Germany, IFO: Mechanical engineering shortage of skilled workers

USA Dallas FED Index in May collapses to 73 points

(Finance) – German manufacturers of machinery and equipment are increasingly short of skilled workers. In the survey conducted by IFO Institute in July, it emerges that 43.0% of participating companies in the sector has reported a shortage, compared to 38.7% in April. “Manufacturers of machinery and equipment are suffering from the effects of layoffs carried out before and during the coronavirus pandemic,” he says. Nicolas Bunde, industry expert at the IFO institute. “Now these companies are desperately looking for suitable people.”

There shortage of skilled workersi goes beyond qualified mechatronic engineers, mechanics and IT specialists; one is also emerging shortage of low-skilled employees, according to 9.4% of companies surveyed in the sector, compared to 8.3% in April. The sector is even more constrained by the shortage of key intermediates: 90.7% of companies said the same, up from 90.6% in June. “There shortage of material was the main problem for manufacturers of machinery and equipment from mid-2021, “says Bunde. The economic outlook for the sector remains bleak. In July, expectations rose only slightly to minus 22.7 points, from minus 23.2 points in June.

Points are net percentage points on a scale of plus 100 to minus 100. If all companies are in a positive mood, it’s plus 100. If 90 percent is positive and 10 percent negative, it’s plus 80. Neutral responses don’t come. consider.
