Fantasy epic with Brad Pitt that entertains with masterful effects in 166 minutes

Fantasy epic with Brad Pitt that entertains with masterful effects

Director David Fincher is above all for his mysterious thriller known, from Sieben to Zodiac to Verblendenung. With these dark material that revolves around serial killers and other daring contemporaries, one film in particular stands out from his work: The Strange Case of Benjamin Button.

The Strange Case of Benjamin Button unfolds as a touching fantasy epic starring Brad Pitt

The film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s story of the same name turns back time and takes us to New Orleans in 1918, where the young Benjamin Button Body of an old man to be born. A very strange sight that causes many questioning looks. But the clock ticks differently for Benjamin Button.

While his mind continues to develop normally, his body struggles a different direction. The old man becomes a young man, a child, a baby. Benjamin Button dies at the age of 84, although he looks as if he was just born. But memories of a whole life lie dormant in it.

The trailer for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Trailer (German)

It took seven actors to bring Benjamin Button to life. Most of the time we get to see Brad Pitt, who was 45 years old when the film was released. In order to adapt Pitt’s appearance to the age of the character in the film, a few tricks were necessary. Not only did Pitt spend several hours a day in the mask.

The effects studio Digital Domain was commissioned to create Pitt’s transformation using visual effects as believable as possible to design. A modern camera system called Mova Contour was used, with which all facial features can be recorded and subsequently digitally edited.

The effects are not the only reason why you should take a look at the film. It is particularly exciting to experience Fincher in a genre that is unfamiliar to him. With great ambition and breathtaking images he tells an epic about the 20th century and the touching story of an unusual person.

When is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on TV?

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button airs tonight, November 19, 2023 at 8:15 p.m. on RTL ZWEI. The broadcast continues with advertising until 11:30 p.m. The repetition follows at 2:50 a.m. Alternatively, you can currently watch the film with a subscription on Netflix and Sky’s streaming service WOW.

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