Fanny Britt, between oneself and others

Fanny Britt between oneself and others

Quebec playwright and screenwriter Fanny Britt arrives in France today with her novel ” Make the sugars which received the prestigious Governor General’s Award in Quebec in 2021. A choral novel that tackles with great talent the question of privileges.

It’s a choral novel that reads like watching a good series on TV. We get attached to the characters, even if sometimes we want to make fun of them or slap them as they are annoying. But nothing helps, we love them anyway.

Perhaps because their flaws, their faults, their cowardice are also ours, perhaps because like us they are quite simply human.

No wonder, since the one who holds the pen is a television screenwriter. Fanny Britt is above all a playwright, and since 2015, a novelist. On the boards or in its pages, its lively and alert style likes to dissect with a biting irony and an implacable lucidity the psychology of its characters.

In 2021, his novel “ Make the sugars won the prestigious Governor General’s Award in Quebec. It is now released in France, by Flammarion editions.

Reporting : The Huron-Wendats are among the first peoples to inhabit North America. A nation that today relies on technology and an immersive journey to tell its history and culture. Near the city of Quebec, in a forest not far from the village where these people live, “Onhwa’ Lumina” depicts the myths of creation, the importance of animals, and the transmission of knowledge. All thanks to video projections, light and sound installations. A realization of the specialized company Moment Factory that Pascale Guéricolas browsed for VMDN.
