EU Council, no agreement on migrants. Meloni: the solution lies in the external dimension

EU Council no agreement on migrants Meloni the solution lies

(Finance) – The Advise European concluded without adopting the conclusions on the migrations. The Polish leader Mateus Morawieckiand the Hungarian one, Victor Orban, in fact reiterated their proposal to amend the conclusions of the summit, confirming the position taken yesterday. “The European Council confirms that, in the context of the measures of solidarity which are equally valid, relocation and resettlement will be on basis voluntary“, is the position expressed by the two countries which, however, in this way undermine the concept of compulsory solidarity which governs the Pact on Migrants.

The other 25 member countries have instead pushed for one solution, even at the cost of completely eliminating the paragraphs dedicated to migration and limiting oneself to “taking note” of the letter sent to the leaders by the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen which lists the progress achieved so far. There dimension external now becomes the real new horizon on which the negotiations in Brussels are focusing.

The President of the Council, Georgia Melonssaid she was “satisfied” with the summit that has just concluded in Brussels and confirmed that “the total turning point is on the external, not the internal, dimension of the problem migratory”. She does not say she is dissatisfied with the attitude of Poland and Hungary because “I am never dissatisfied with those who defend their national borders”. However, the Prime Minister reclaimed the leading role played by Italy within the Council.

“We are moving forward in our direction to find an agreement at the community level, then the other countries move as they deem most appropriate. At this stage, European solidarity is needed on the immigration issue. I hope that Hungary And Poland are more reasonable. Forza Italia has many doubts about the vote unanimously in the European Council, a majority vote would also overcome these obstacles. But I hope that politics will prevail and that a solution can be found that allows us to have a united Europe”, he declared Anthony Tajani on the sidelines of Fenix, the National Youth party.
